Saturday, February 21, 2015

Two Sentence Stories

"Hi yes your Honor my dog shall be representing me in this legal matter."

The man was juggling jars of jelly.
He dropped one.

The child sneezed extremely hard.
A long glob of snot hung from his nose.

A woman was being smothered by a pillow.
But nobody was there.

The whole family was in the kitchen.
And then the front door shut.

The basketball player jumped to dunk the ball.
He missed.

The customer went for his wallet.
It was in the car still.

The boy was looking at his reflection.
It blinked.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Don't Stare at Ceilings

It's 2:00 am, and I stare at the ceiling. My body has never felt so awake. My entire skeleton reminisces about when I first saw you. It stung like a bee into my soul, it made my knees wobble like an Ali punch on Liston, my stomach floated like a butterfly.

It's 2:02 am, and I stare at the ceiling. My mind has never felt so alive. My cranium crackles with the time I first heard you speak. Such angelic beauty should never have been bestowed on me. My ears tingled like I just took a Mike Tyson bite.

It's 3:00 am, and I stare at the ceiling. My body has never felt more drained. My soul is no longer whole, rather ripped into two. I watched the final time I saw you, just walking away. I heard your last words, "You're just not good enough. I'm sorry."

It's 3:01 am, and I stare at the back of my eyelids. My mind has broken again.

- John Oeters

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Love / Hate

Your dark maroon lips linger after kisses like a 3:00 am rerun of Full House. Dark gray woolen sweater sleeves always pulled past your knuckles like a fingerless glove.

I hate how much I love you.

Your condescending voice makes my ears ring like a punk rock concert. Gentle hints as to who is smarter while we argue drives me crazy.

I love how much I hate you.

When your name pops up on my phone for the seventh time today just because you want to hear my voice. When you howl with laughter over my harsh criticism and mocking dialogue of TV shows. I can’t help to smile.

God Damn it. I love you. 

- John Oeters