Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Unknown Knight

As James takes in his surroundings, he stops his gaze on his horse and releases a long sigh. “Well partner, it’s looking like we are going to have a lot of ground to cover today.”  He cleans the campsite and finds a reminder of the very reason they are on this trip. His thumb gently rubs across a photograph of Princess Kate of Northhaven, and a smile comes across his face. Sliding into his saddle, James grabs hold of the reins tightly before giving a swift kick to the ribs of his horse spurring him into action. Galloping away, James aimed to arrive at Northhaven’s gates by nightfall. Upon arrival he would then seek the King’s chambers and ask for Princess Kate’s hand in marriage. James lowered his head and rode harder and faster than he ever had before. A mere peasant, James, had saved up every cent he could to purchase this horse and all of the provisions he took with him on this trip. With each step closer to his goal, his worry grew greater also. With not being of any royal descent, James worries that King Felix will not allow for him to wed Princess Kate. As the sun set behind him, James was able to make out the city of Northhaven ahead, lowering his head he again spurs his horse into a gallop.
Approaching the large gates he was stopped by a guard of the city demanding who he was and why he was here. After stating his name and intentions the guards all broke out into laughter. James who was armorless, weaponless, and virtually moneyless, posed no threat to the king so the guards decided to allow him a into the city and escorted him towards the castle where the king was. Having one the guards ask the king’s assistant for a meeting, James somehow managed to be accepted as an audience before the king the very next morning.
The next morning James entered King Felix’s chambers stood before him and stated so calmly it looked rehearsed , “King Felix, I James desire your daughter’s hand in marriage.” The king, finding this to be absolutely hilarious sent for his daughter so she could also laugh at this fool. However upon Princess Kate’s arrival she found James incredibly handsome. King Felix requested James to repeat his reason for today’s meeting. James again very calmly said, “I have come today to ask for your hand in marriage Princess Kate.” King Felix still laughing asked his daughter as to her thoughts on the manner and was quite shocked when she said that she was very interested. Princess Kate then said, “However, without being of a noble descent and not being a knight you must prove your worth James. To do that you must complete two tasks, mind these shall not be easy. First you must slay a beast that is killing our people. Second you must find the Holy Grail.” James looking stunned asked, “How do you suppose I do that? I have neither armor nor a weapon. I also have no clue where I would be able to find the Holy Grail.” King Felix, amused by how hard the tasks are told James that he would provide armor, a weapon, a map to the Holy Grail, and even provisions. Accepting the generous offer, James quickly left the King’s chambers to go and prepare for his journey. While struggling into his armor and to pack his food, he couldn’t believe the luck he had. The Princess was actually giving him a chance, for once James began to believe in himself. Saying goodbye to the King and Princess, James set off on his way. Unsure as to where he would be able to slay a beast he decided to first head for the Holy Grail located, according to his map, somewhere within a large circle around Jerusalem.
As James was riding on the outskirts of the town, a goblin suddenly jumped out on the path ahead of him. James slowed to a halt, but before could say anything the goblin spoke out. “ I am the keeper of this pass, who are you.” James nervously managed to squeak out his name, he had never seen a goblin, in fact he thought they were only a myth.  “James, I see I see,” the goblin replied suspiciously, “However you failed to mention your title of nobility.” Slowly dismounting his horse and approaching the goblin, James replied, “I am on a quest from Princess Kate of Northhaven and shall I succeed I will win her hand in marriage!” Cackling loudly the goblin said, “Well only noblemen and knights may pass here, those who don’t have the requirements must win in a duel to pass by.” James then recalls the first of the princess’ requirements, “First, you must slay a beast killing our people.” Cautiously eyeballing the goblin, James slowly moves his hand towards his sword. “Ok now, a duel you say? What exactly do you mean by that?”  The goblin smiles wide and replies, “I’m glad you asked, we shall duel with swords, the winner lives.” James nodded in understanding of the rules, “I have but one question then goblin, how many duels have you won?” The goblin, unsheathing his sword looking at a nearby cave replied, “I have more victories than most militaries in the world. I have been doing this since before you were born.” James also unsheathing his sword, noticed a distinct advantage over the goblin. While the goblin may have been a great swordsman, he was missing his left eye and completely vulnerable from that side. Slowly circling towards the left of the goblin, James began to raise his sword and lunge towards the goblin, completely blindsiding him. The fight was over before the goblin could even move. James, excited about completing his first task for the princess, decided to stop and stay the night at a nearby town that also puts him just inside the map’s circle around Jerusalem for the Holy Grail search. He rode to the town and found the local inn, buying a room for the night and a stall for his horse. James then went to go to the local pub and ask around for anyone who might know about the Holy Grail.
Ordering some ale from the barkeep, he decided to ask if he knew anything about the Holy Grail. The barkeep looked back at him suspiciously and asked, “Now why would you be asking questions like that?” James undeterred by the response pressed on, the barkeep wearing down finally spoke out. “Legend has it, the Holy Grail is in this very town. When I was a little boy, I remember a strange group of men ride into town one day. They said they had a goblet that could allow you to live forever. They claimed to have the Holy Grail. When they went to fill the Grail up with water in the local well it fell. Leading to the well of eternal youth.”
Bewildered by his luck again, James set off for the well, needing to find the grail in order to successfully wed the princess.  Upon finding it, he was unable to determine how far it would be to the bottom. So he used his horse as a counter weight and slowly scaled down the rope into the well. Upon hitting the water he still could not feel the bottom of the well. So he went under the water and swam down. As he swam he began to become disoriented and lost the ability to see what was up and what was down. So he kept swimming, when suddenly he saw it. A golden light emitting from the bottom, it was the Holy Grail. Grabbing the Grail, he instantly felt the strength return to his body and the oxygen to his lungs. James surfaced with the grail and climbed back up the rope to his waiting horse.
Placing the grail in a saddlebag of the horse, he set back off for Northhaven having successfully completed the princess’ tasks. He rode for four straight days before arriving back at Northhaven. The guards recognizing James from their earlier encounter expected him to fail utterly, not succeed so quickly. After the guards let James back into the castle, King Felix and Princess Kate came quickly to greet him. “Are you successful,” King Felix asks nervously, “Because that was an extremely quick trip to be done.” Princess Kate nodded in agreement, before adding “James, have you succeeded or will our love never be fulfilled?” James confidently smiling opened up his saddle bags, first pulling out the head of the goblin, a terror of the village. He then pulled the Holy Grail out into view. The King was amazed, he had actually done it. “James!” King Felix shouted in excitement, “Drop down to one knee, It is time to make you one of my Knights before I wed you off to my daughter tomorrow!” James quickly dropped to one knee and King Felix quickly knighted him giving him the title of, ‘The Unknown Knight.’
The next morning, James rose from bed and went off to find his soon to be wife. He found her in her bedroom and entered where they then talked for hours on end. Finally the Princess’ servants entered and separated them so they could get dressed for the wedding that King Felix just finished preparations for.  The wedding was successful and a beautiful event. At the end of the day James grabbed Princess Kate’s hands and looked back at her father King Felix. He thanked the king for marrying the two of them, then Princess Kate and Knight James climbed onto the horse, and rode off into the sunset.

Friday, April 3, 2015

What Happens When You Die

What happens when you die?
Blinding white light?
Do you wait in a long line?
Single file, slowly, a steady pace.
Do you get to the front,
then placed into heaven or hell?

If you get heaven, what are the pearly white gates like?
Are there angels everywhere?
Do all dogs go to heaven?

If you get hell, how hot is it?
Does the devil torture you, or do his helpers?
Is hell like a jail you can never leave?

Or do you not make it to either,
Are you left to roam the earth forever?
A restless soul, looking for peace.

What happens when you die?

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Spring Fever

May flowers brought by spring showers,
oh how I long to smell you so.
I hope you may be my melancholy's cure,
because those cold long winter months sure took their toll.